A Little Back Story
At the time of this writing, almost 15 years ago, I took the decision to embark on a journey to get me out of the bullshit depression feelings I've had after a bad breakup.
Man! What a journey I've had.
As I was on this path of fixing my inner self, I've stumbled upon the understanding on having, lack of a better explanation or words, an emotional and memorable conversation with the other party. You see, I'm an introvert. I never engage in conversations, barely.
People that I've connected with never will believe me nowadays if I told them I'm an introvert,to be honest. Years changed.
I put myself out there to meet more people, men and women alike. For connections and such.
Went on to more dates to get connected with more ladies along the way. For years.
The more I'm engaged in conversations, I've noticed patterns.
Well, to be fair, we do know that women think with the emotions. Men on the other hand think based on logic.
To engage based on emotions may be a challenge to most men. (If you are reading this, you will not be after this)
Women on the other hand are easier for them. They are created that way.
I believe what I'm going to share here will be beneficial for both men and women anyways.
Without further ado let's get on with it.
This short article is your guide to transforming your relationships by mastering the art of empathic listening.
I‘ve include simple short and sweet action step for each tips as a start for you to embrace.
Let's embark on a journey that leads to deeper connections, stronger bonds, and more meaningful love stories.